Monday 24 October 2011

Leaving Petroleum Stone Age, Starting (Cold) Fusing Metals Again

Many of you know that prehistory on earth
finished when humans started to use metals in Bronze and Iron Age.

Metalworking was the first big revolution in
Human History and the invention of writing coincides with the Bronze Age.
Before that man was using stones and just trying to survive in the wild having
few or no control on his life and the environment.

Firstly bronze was seen as a magical thing. After
throwing stones for two Million years men were sure that wasn't alternative to
stones. They used stone to hunt, to make fire, to dig, to work.

People was seeing metal workers as strange
people, dangerous people, sorcerers. Possibly they used their stones against
them. But when times became tough, survival instinct was stronger than fears
since for people using metal tools was much easier to live and prosper.

In my opinion we recently had another prehistory.
It was the Petroleum Age. Petroleum comes from the
Greek word petra (stone) and the Latin word oleum (oil). So
basically stone oil. The oil from the Stone Age.

People of the Petroleum Age used petroleum for
everything: to hunt, to make fire (and energy), to dig other petroleum, to
work. Meanwhile somebody invented the wheel. So they used petroleum also on

The situation was much worse than that of their
ancestors. They were unlucky people since there was no more wild in which to
hunt and the air and water were now poisoning. And still they were thinking
that no alternative to stone oil were usable.

Then something happened.

A group of sorcerers started working to use
metals again. They tried to extract energy and heat from metals and calling old
times as Before Present.

Again people began throwing stones at them. It
was a long process and first attempts in 1989 were unsuccessful. Stone People
called these experiments Cold Fusion since the new Metal People tried to fuse
their metals without fire.

Metal workers didn't stop. They worked hard. Like
sorcerers. They use now strange names for their revolution: LENR, CANR. They
use strange metals as Palladium, Zirconium and Nickel. They are no more using
hammers to forge their metals but still use pressure and gas.

The Metal Revolution is started.

I invite you to join this energy revolution. Just
browse Wikipedia and read what Piantelli, Rossi, Focardi, Mizuno, the NASA
labs, Miles and others are doing.

I decided also to join these people and I
discovered that they weren't sorcerers at all but serious scientists working
for more that 20 years on these technologies. I discovered that there is no
just one technology but different ones and all of them are working. I
discovered that this revolution is not based on just one metal but many.

I discovered that "burning" few grams
of Nickel or Palladium can produce hundreds of KW of energy for months without
the issues and emissions of Nuclear Fission. But unlike the Petrol People I
think that this should become only another powerful tool, not the only one.
Sun, wind and water are always our friends as the Nature usually is.

And if you want to be part of the Metal People
you could also want to come to our website and contact my company at We are
developing applications using LENR. We are working with those scientists. We
are improving fusion technology. And above all using all the needed
professionalism to avoid to be labelled as Alchemists.

Please throw us some money not rocks. We'd like
to prevent energy problem for mankind and to prevent people fighting with
stones again. We need help from everybody in order to provide benefits to

If you are a scientist interested in LENR also
contact us. There are never too many sorcerers.

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